
Alphabet Flashcards For Kids


Alphabet Flashcards For Kids. Play and learn ABCs with these free alphabet flash cards. This set includes 26 flash cards with our lovely original illustrations in high resolution PDF format. Simple to download and print on a PC or Mac.

Using flashcards can be a very effective self-testing approach. Even the act of making flashcards is a way to “work” the information, challenging you to think about which information to have on one side and the related description on the other. 

This also frees up some memory, since you will have a physical stack of cards with the information instead of trying to store individual facts, names, or terms in your mind. Flashcards are often part of spaced practice, and repetition helps you figure out what information you can remember easily and what needs additional effort. From a time management perspective, flashcards allow you to take advantage of short amounts of time that become available throughout the day or week, in addition to during planned study sessions.

Flashcards are available for every subject. Starting from the basics such as events and dates for history classes to advanced medical terminologies, vocabulary, psychology, math formulae, etc, flashcards can be utilized for a variety of subjects. Flashcards are learning tools beyond perfection as there is nothing a student cannot cover up with their help.

Flashcards are one of the most affordable ways of learning available to date. If you don’t wish to purchase those fancy cards available in the market, you can invest in simple ones that fulfill the basic needs of a student. Instead of purchasing ready-made flashcards, you can also make your own by using 3×5 inches index cards. Depending on the type of information you require, you can use them with lines or without lines.

Flashcards are tools that are effective as a memory aid for students and help learn new information more quickly. There is a lot of study material on the same topic that students come across. Nowadays, digitalized versions of flashcards are also available that are extremely efficient at the college or high school level. There are some great reasons why flashcards have been in use for so long. Even though they might seem a little boring at first, once you realize the benefits, there is no turning back!

No matter how foolproof a student’s study plan is, remembering things for the examination always seems like a big task. Therefore it is necessary to devise ways and means to remember the information correctly and precisely so that the students can score well in their exams. 

There are so many textbooks for each subject that complete memorization is not possible. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to cram the textbooks. Even if you manage to remember your exam syllabus, the knowledge won’t be long-lasting and you won’t be able to retain the information for a longer duration.

There are plenty of programs that will help you with creating flashcards; however, you will lose the benefits of manually writing them out and the repetition that process creates.

Using flashcards is one of the mosts common study methods, and it is the one many students are most familiar. Flashcards help students to engage in active recall or a process wherein students actively engage in learning by stimulating our memories and creating lasting connections to the material.

When you create flashcards, you should incorporate images as well as words to help improve your active recall. 

English Created Resources prides itself on providing everything a learner needs to improve the level of English. Our website aims to provide all the required materials for English Language Teachers and Learners to help them master and improve their English, help their pupils master all the required skills. 

Such materials are provided for free download to be available always for learners around the world. You can find English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes. 

Our Website helps you to give your child a boost using our free, printable worksheets. You will be able to help your child with his grammar skills with our printable worksheets that focus on using and punctuation, Reading & writing. Such Worksheets are a useful learning tool for kids who are trying to write or want to practice their language skills at home. 

Through our website, teachers will be able to help their children improve both their written and spoken English. We provide materials related to all the different skills. 

Our reading Comprehension Worksheets help students to master reading and writing skills. There are also questions to measure pupils’ understanding and help teachers evaluate their pupils easily. 

Our Website helps you to give your child a boost using our free, printable worksheets. You will be able to help your child with his grammar skills with our printable worksheets that focus on using and punctuation, Reading & writing. Such Worksheets are a useful learning tool for kids who are trying to write or want to practice their language skills at home. 

Samples From the Flashcards

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We also provide coloring worksheets for lower levels to help them learn in an interactive and creative way.

Such worksheets are printable to be used either at class or home.


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